Sun, 27 June 2021
Inflation and scarcity are not exactly solid foundations to base the stability of a regime. Link: The Hero of Two Worlds bookshop map Tell us where you pre-ordered the book!
Direct download: 10.58-_Inflation_and_Scarcity_MASTER.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26pm CST |
Mon, 14 June 2021
Ok, maybe it wasn't a great war, but it *was* a great offensive. Link: Bookstore Map (scroll down) Sponsor:
Direct download: 10.57-_Great_War_Great_Offensive_MASTER.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am CST |
Fri, 11 June 2021
Lafayette comes to America! Enjoy! A link to pre-order the book! A link to the map to tell us where you pre-ordered the book! Scroll down it's at the bottom. Thanks! |
Sun, 6 June 2021
When it started, everyone thought it was gonna be a regular war. But it turned out to be a *great* war. Sponsor:
Direct download: 10.56-_Great_War_Great_Retreat_Master.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:28pm CST |